Starry Night – Molino Lounge- Oldham

Molino Lounge Town Hall, 4 Yorkshire St, Oldham, Manchester, United Kingdom

"Starry Night" is a masterpiece created by the iconic Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh in 1889. This renowned painting is celebrated for its vibrant colours, swirling brushstrokes, and deeply expressive portrayal of the night sky, providing an unforgettable journey into Van Gogh's soulful interpretation of nature's beauty. Our Paint and Sip evening at Molino Lounge [...]

Get Tickets £35.95 18 tickets left

MooTastic – Molino Lounge – Oldham

Molino Lounge Town Hall, 4 Yorkshire St, Oldham, Manchester, United Kingdom

Discover "MooTastic" where the nobility of a Highland cow captures your heart, with its luxurious mane that frames its big, deep, soulful eye. Its majestic presence and friendly demeanour make it one of our favourite gentle giants to paint. Paint it, love it, cherish the memory. Our Paint and Sip evening at Molino Lounge in [...]

Get Tickets £35.95 18 tickets left